Eden's Prefolds Love Profile

Today's Prefolds Love Profile is a good friend of ours. Tori is a good friend from college. Our bond got even tighter when they decided to cloth diaper their baby girl and I had the privilege of lending some of our newborn and small prefolds to get more use out of the cost.

Keep reading for Tori's perspective cloth diapering their baby girl, Eden.


Name and age of your little cloth wearer:

Eden, 6 months

Your cloth diapering system and why you chose it:

We use prefolds and shells. We chose this option for a few reasons. One, I have a friend (you) who used them and really liked how they work. Two, after looking through all the options of cloth, they made the most sense to me. All-in-ones were more expensive and seemed to maybe not be able to get as clean because of how thick they are. The inserts didn't make sense to me because since some inserts go "in-between" the crotch of the shell and so the inserts and the shell gets dirty vs. prefolds that keep a clean shell. The prefolds and shells were also much more affordable.

Why did you decide to cloth diaper?

We chose to try cloth: One, for cost; two, because there is no such thing as a "disposable" diaper; three... they are cute.

How long have you used cloth?

We have used cloth since Eden was a newborn, so about 6 months now.

What processes or products have you changed from when you first started?

To my knowledge there is nothing greatly new from when we started.

What is your wash routine?

We wash our diapers about every 3 days. We rinse poopy diapers in the toilet but otherwise toss them in the pail until washed. We then throw them in the wash on a rinse cycle and then add a mild detergent and wash on hot or the "white" cycle on our machine. I have started hanging laundry to save money so we hang the diapers and then throw them in the dryer for a 10 min. fluff cycle. Since I am hanging them, this helps them to be a bit less "crisp" on Eden's bottom.

Preferred cloth diaper brands/products:

We use mostly cloth-eez pre-folds but have a few of (I think Gerber brand) prefolds. The cloth-eez are excellent! They are thick and durable. The Gerber brands I use for short periods such as a nap. These were given to me so I use them but I can't recommend buying them.

#1 reason you love cloth diapers:

I love the cloth because I can't help but feel that I am saving so much money! I also really like the concept of living simply and using cloth fits right into this. They are just fun!

Biggest cloth diapering challenge and how you get over it:

I have had two challenges with the cloth. One, they are bulkier so I usually need to buy the next size up on pants. For instance, my baby is about 6 months so I use 9 month bottoms. Second, Eden pees A LOT. At night we have had challenges with using her normal size of cloth diaper because she "pees out". We have beat this by using a large size diaper plus a hemp/fleece insert. As long as this is all tucked in correctly we can make it for an 8 hr. night. Again, we have to be in the next size up p.j.'s because of the larger diaper.

Cutest cloth diaper/cover:

We don't have any super cute covers/shells. Just plain colors.

Money spent on cloth diapers so far:

We used some new and some borrowed diapers. Another reason I like cloth, you can trade, share or buy new. Because we used some from a friend our start up cost was a bit less. We have spent about $200 for 24 (large and med. diapers), 12 shells (sizes 1 & 2) and 3 inserts.


also see:
new to cloth? start here...
prefolds & covers 101

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